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How Smaller Churches Struggle with Hospitality

We’re continuing our “Small Church” series, which looks at guest services through the lens of the smaller congregation: those with 150 or fewer people in attendance each week. You can see the first post in...

How to Map Your Parking Lot, part 1: Creating Zones

This is the first of a four-part series that gets into the weeds of how to set your parking lot up for success. We’re looking at mapping from zones to cones and people to placement,...

Fifteen Questions = Fifty Bucks

The annual blog survey is back! Answer 15 quick questions in a few minutes and get a chance at a $50 Amazon gift card. (All answers are anonymous, unless you want to enter to win...

“Just Tell Me What To Do.”

In many years of leadership, I’ve learned that volunteers are not fans of micromanagement. They like to have the freedom to be creative, to use their God-given common sense, to add a bit of panache...

Multi-Site: 5 Benefits of an Incubator Service

At the time this post goes live, we’re just three days away from the public launch of another campus. Like an increasingly-growing number of churches across the globe, we’ve been running stumbling walking in the...

Q&A: How Do I Address Sticky Situations in Guest Follow-Up?

Q: How do I address uncomfortable situations or conversations that sometimes arise when I’m following up with our first-time guests? [name withheld, Hendersonville, TN] A: We’ve all been there: when you ask a first-time guest...

Top Ten Quotes: Bird By Bird

People who write like to read books written by people who write. If for nothing else, to keep from writing sentences like the one I just wrote. I’ve read a few great books written by...

How Young is Too Young to Serve in Guest Services?

Recently I received an email from a long-time friend in our congregation. She was reaching out on behalf of her ten year old daughter, who wanted to be a part of the Set Up Team...

Introducing the “Small Church” Series

If there is a common question that arises most often on a blog about guest services in the local church, it’s a variation on this theme: “Yeah…but how does this play out in a smaller...

This Year, Resolve to Show Up.

90% of a successful guest services strategy can be taken care of by simply showing up. If you’re a volunteer, show up on time. Don’t call out unless it’s an emergency. Remember your role on...