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Walk Slowly Through the Crowd

I am not known for being a slow walker. I always go at the pace of a man who has either lost sight of the neighborhood ice cream truck or is being chased by a...

Top Ten Quotes: The Green Letters

We all know the definition of a literary classic: a book that everyone has heard of but no one has read. In the case of The Green Letters: Principles of Spiritual Growth by Miles Stanford,...

Your Job is Not to Make Your Volunteers Happy.

Cared for? Yes. Celebrated? Absolutely. Heard? 100%. Equipped and encouraged and loved? Always. But comfortable? Never. The gravitational pull of any church will always be towards comfort (apologies to Andy Stanley for hijacking his quote)....

Multi-Site EPODs: Campus Teams vs. Central Teams

We continue a miniseries based on this long-ago post titled Multi-Site: You Need an EPOD. An EPOD is one of the tried-and-true tools in our multi-site toolbox, and keeps us on the literal same page....

Seven Bucks Can Change a Life

I’ve written before about the importance of a rainy day team: that stalwart group of volunteers who will pull on their galoshes (do we still say galoshes? Discuss.), zip up their rain jacket, and grab...


Let me introduce you to our newest grandchild Haddie Nell. She’s the firstborn to our firstborn, and the second in what is hopefully a long, long line of grandbabies to come. Haddie Nell arrived in...

36% More Content. Same Great Price.

A few weeks back we rolled out our 2024 One-Day Workshops schedule. From Missouri to Alabama and Kansas to South Carolina, folks from all over have saved their spot for one (or more) Workshops. But...

How Does a Hospitable Culture Apply to the Stage?

We’re in an ongoing series called Hospitable Culture. The big question is this: What if hospitality isn’t something we do, it’s simply who we are? In other words, what if we could bump hospitality beyond...

Routine vs. Remarkable.

It happened on a Sunday morning a few weeks back. We were baptizing several people in our weekend services, and one of the baptismal candidates had invited friends and family to celebrate with him. One...

Join me at the Connect Conference!

My friends over at Connect Ministries love the local church, and they love local church leaders. For the past 15 years they’ve partnered with churches across America to bring the day camp experience to their...