Category: Book Review / Insight

Top Ten Quotes: Empowering Leadership

This summer and fall, a few of us on our team are reading Michael Fletcher’s Empowering Leadership: How a Leadership Development Culture Builds Better Leaders Faster. I’ve found it to be a helpful, encouraging book...

Top Ten Quotes: God of All Things

One of the most delightful books I’ve read so far from my summer reading list is – hands down – God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World by Andrew Wilson. I’ve...

Top Ten Quotes: Wisdom at Work

Chip Conley was a legend in the hotel industry. He had served as CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality for 26 years. At age 52, a young tech wizard invited him to leave it all...

Top Ten Quotes: The Come Back Culture

I’m doing a rare author giveaway today…stay tuned until after the quotes. I’ve long been a fan of my friend Jason Young. Whether we’re talking about his previous books like The Come Back Effect or...

2022 Summer Reading List: Mine

Earlier this week I offered up ten books that I think you should read this summer (Have you ordered ’em yet? You haven’t, have you?). Today, in the interest of full disclosure (and wanting to...

2022 Summer Reading List: Yours

It’s that time again, campers: the late-springtime when nerds get giddy with excitement over everyone’s recommended beach reading lists. I have ten for you, picked out of what I’ve read over the last year. These...

Top Ten Quotes: The Coaching Habit

Occasionally I’ll skim a book that was recommended to me, only to realize post-skim just how valuable the book was, and the need to go back for a deeper dive. Such was the case with...

Top Ten Quotes: Essentialism

Occasionally I’ll pick up a book that’s been recommended to me by multiple people over the years (“What do you mean you haven’t read that?!? I thought you claimed to be a reader!”), and realize...

Top Ten Quotes: Peak

I’ve long been fascinated by the 10,000 hours rule, popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers. In it, he posits that it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to become a master of a...

Top Ten Quotes: Humor, Seriously

What do you get when you take two Stanford Business School profs, toss in some academic research, and sprinkle on a bit of improv training? You get a book that looks a lot like Humor,...