Latest posts

How to Give Guests What They Want

Circle the ol’ Guest Services block a few times, and you’ll eventually have a fender-bender with the problem of pragmatism: aren’t we simply pandering to the base desires of the people we’re serving? Because let’s...

People Over Policies: part 2

In a recent post, I said that policies exist to help our teams do our jobs, but they must be to the benefit of our guests. In other words, a policy that we hide behind...

People Over Policies: part 1

Churches love policies almost as much as they love covered dish suppers: No food or drinks in the auditorium No one is seated during a reflective moment Ushers must wear coats and ties Any salmonella...

Primer Posts

First-Time Guest follow up

You just landed on an every-once-in-a-while series called Primer Posts, a curated collection of my favorite articles and books on one particular topic. These are the resources I usually point to when people ask about getting started...

4 Reasons Leaders Don’t Reproduce Leaders

Many of us carry the title of leader, but we don’t often hold the posture of a leader. In other words, we’re more comfortable doing rather than developing. But a real leader will intentionally develop...

Two Weekenders Remain for 2022!

If you’ve never been a part of our Guest Services Weekender, you still have two more chances this calendar year: Thursday, July 28: join leaders from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Delaware Sunday, October...

Help! I’m Starting a Parking Lot from Scratch!

When your church sets out to build a new facility (or expand on an old one) there are a veritable ton of decisions to be made. If you’re in the guest services world, you may...

Multi-Site: Same Destination, Different Pace

I’ve said before that a multi-site approach may necessarily mean multi-standards. In other words, the permanence of the facility and our standing in the facility (rent vs. own) might affect things like cleanliness, environment, and...

How Much is a Phone Call Worth?

We’re building a series based on the first-time guest follow up process. (You can see the first five parts here, here, here, here, and here.) You can read back over all of those “how to” and “why to” posts,...

Top Ten Quotes: The Come Back Culture

I’m doing a rare author giveaway today…stay tuned until after the quotes. I’ve long been a fan of my friend Jason Young. Whether we’re talking about his previous books like The Come Back Effect or...