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Top Ten Quotes: Gentle and Lowly

How ironic that a book titled Gentle and Lowly came charging onto the scene like a bull in a china shop. It has captured the attention of hundreds of thousands of believers. Its presence has...

The NoTurna® Vaccine Is Coming!

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. Our long international nightmare is almost over. You may...

Farmers vs. Mechanics

Guest post by Anna Murphy and Clayton Greene Farmers and Mechanics are both hard working professionals. In both roles, much effort and skill is needed. But what is primarily different in the work life of...

Daily Sites: A Quick Productivity Hack

People reading this post will fall into one of two camps: Thank you, Captain Obvious. Everyone knows that already. This is life-changing information. How do I go about renaming my firstborn in your honor? For...

When You Hit Your Ceiling, Knock Out Some Walls.

It can be hard to climb the corporate ladder in the church world. Some would argue that you shouldn’t. After all, we’ve seen the lure and the defects of celebrity Christian culture. “Climbing a ladder”...

Multi-Site: Do You Need a Boot Camp?

Multi-site churches often struggle with the “curse of knowledge,” the phenomenon that occurs when something is so second-nature to us, we assume that everyone else should know it, as well. In multi-site world, the curse...

Triage Your Team: How to Make the Most of a Low Weekend

Every leader has been there: the Saturday night phone call. The Sunday morning text message. The inexplicable half-dozen who obviously collaborated and decided they were picking this weekend to be no-shows. At some point, we’re...

Covid-Friendly, Congregationally-Friendly, or Community-Friendly?

This weekend, most of us will be hitting the one-year mark from when all of our churches moved online. We’ve learned a lot since March of 2020. New ways of ministry have been introduced that...

How to Keep Moving in a “Hurry Up and Wait” Work Culture

Anytime we work with people, there will be times when it feels like our work comes to a screeching halt because we’re waiting on a decision. Or an answer. Or approval. Or a passed budget...

Hope Church (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...