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Top Ten Quotes: Confronting Christianity

I recently wrapped up Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion, and I was immediately confronted by three things: Rebecca McLaughlin is crazy-smart and well-researched. I’m not smart enough to be in...

What’s Your Morning Plan?

We’ve talked before about the importance of routine when it comes to a productive week: that day-after-day, no-surprises, ideal slog that helps us get stuff done. [See Mapping Your Ideal Week] But I get it:...

How To Lead Like A Bully (In Three Easy Steps)

The Old Testament story of Rehoboam is one of the most haunting in all of scripture. In it, we see a man who had the ability to unite Israel and rebuild his family’s legacy, but...

Danny Recommends: ToothFairy

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. These might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will help...

Q&A: How Do You Communicate Your VHQ?

Q: I’m launching a VHQ at my church and trying to figure out the language the staff should adopt when talking about the purpose of VHQ with their volunteers. As in, how should I communicate...

Top Ten Quotes: Range

I tend to pick a subject and go deep. That’s why this blog is chock full of subject matter in the realm of guest services…I like to figure out all the nuances of that topic....

2021 Weekenders: Choose Your Own Adventure!

2020 took a toll on our Guest Services Weekenders, normally offered four times per year. As 2021 begins the slow crawl back to normal, we’re going fifth grade library book and offering a Choose Your...

The Rock Church of Greater Portland (Scarborough, Maine)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...

Church Caste Systems Feel Great. Dismantle Them Anyway.

You remember the concept of caste system from seventh grade, right? There’s a societal hierarchy that’s nearly impossible to break out of. You’re stuck in the situation you’re born into. I’m afraid it’s possible for...

“Love Thy What?”: 7 Ways to Befriend Your Neighbor During COVID-19

Our culture didn’t need any assistance in further isolating ourselves, and yet a global pandemic has managed to do just that. Each day we hear stories of people who yearn for community and friendship. Singles and...