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How Does “Attend One, Serve One” Affect Volunteers’ Kids?

I’ve long been a proponent of “attend one, serve one:” volunteers fully commit to attending an entire worship service (no slipping in late and slipping out early) and fully commit to serving during an entirely...

Aloha Nani Church (Kapolei, Hawaii)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. It’s the dead of winter in...

2019 Year in Review: Books

The end of the year means you can’t throw a tin of homemade Chex mix without some well-meaning blogger sharing the best books they read over the past twelve months. And since I consider myself...

2019 Year in Review: Posts

It’s the end of a decade, campers! (Or the eve of the beginning of the year that will mark the end of a decade, if you just like to be controversial.) And sure, there are...

Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!

Thank you for being a reader in 2019! If you’re an email subscriber or RSS feed reader can’t see this year’s (surprisingly tame) Christmas card, click here.

Missing His Majesty

As we count down the final hours until Christmas, I think it’s fitting to share this passage from my favorite Christmas-book-that’s-not-really-a-Christmas-book, God Came Near by Max Lucado. Merry Incarnation Eve, everyone. The stable stinks like...

A Very Multi-Site Christmas

By the time this post goes live, we’ll be three days away from Christmas With the Summit, a day-long series of celebrations of the incarnation. But at the time of writing, we’re still on the...

Your First-Time Guest Process Should Be Boring.

Many times, we assume that we simply have to deliver the sizzle and sparkle to our first-time guests. After all, if we don’t knock their socks off with our golf shuttles and Disney-esque environments and...

Reserve Your Spot for a Guest Services Weekender!

Our 2020 training dates are live, but one easy-peasy option is filling up quickly. We offer Guest Services Weekenders four times per year. In 2020, those dates are: January 25 April 25 July 25 October...

Top Ten Quotes: Quiet

If we’ve met in person, it may surprise you to know that I’m naturally wired as an introvert. If have a proverbial hat to wear or role to play, I can flip on the extroversion...