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Fix It Before You’re Asked to Fix It.

I’m an unabashed fan of Southwest Airlines. They take customer service seriously without taking themselves too seriously. The cheap fares, the creative announcements, and the flight attendants’ repartee have created a loyal customer on my...

Should You Give Your Volunteers a Job Description?

“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do next.” “Is there anything else you need from me?” “What are you asking of me, exactly?” “Just tell me what to do.” I’ve had a long-running battle over the issue of job descriptions for volunteers. Early in my time here at the Summit, I was the job description ninja. Every team and sub...

2019 Blog Survey

The 2019 survey is now closed. Congratulations to Jason Starrett of Belmar Church in Lakewood, CO, winner of the $25 Amazon gift card! Want a chance at a $25 Amazon gift card? Read on. Blog-reading friends, it’s that time of year again, and I need your help. You come from all...

Multi-Site: Guest Services and Launching a New Campus

Last Sunday saw the public launch of our tenth Summit campus (twelve, if you count our prison campuses). As you know, there are roughly a billion moving parts that go into a campus launch, give...

8 Things I Learned As A Church Guest

A few weeks ago I attended church with my niece. She has started going to a brand-new campus of an eighty-year-old church, their first foray into multi-site. The campus has been live for four months,...

Walnut Hill Community Church (Bethel, Connecticut)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...

How to Read More This Year

You can’t kick over a rock around these parts without seeing a recommendation for a book. I love suggesting new titles you may not have heard of, I love sharing top ten quotes from some...

Top Ten Quotes: More is More

It’s no surprise that businesses have a “me-problem.” They tend to build systems and infrastructures that make life easier for those that work at the company rather than those who do business with the company....

5 Shifts To Make In Your Guest Services Team This Year

It’s the beginning of a brand new trip around the sun, and all of us are experiencing some form of renewal, restarting, or rebranding. No matter your personal take on resolutions, there’s something about a...

2018 Year in Review: Posts

Another year has come and gone, kids. And I don’t mean to jump on the “look back on the last twelve months bandwagon,” but I’m absolutely jumping on the “look back on the last twelve...