Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will help you develop leaders around you, or just fun stuff that you need. Want. Whatever. I have a full list of recommended books and such over at the Reading List, but these posts will go into further detail.
One programming note: I try to keep the resources below as updated as possible. If I no longer use or recommend a resource (or have swapped it out in favor of something else), that will be indicated by the text being crossed out and the alternate resource being listed to the right of it. If the resource no longer exists in any form, I have deleted it from the list below and removed the original post. (In other words, if you thought you saw it once but you no longer see it, you haven’t gone crazy. It’s just gone.)
- Advent Blocks
- Alarmed
- Asana
Assistant.to(see “Calendly” below)- BatchedInbox
- Bible Reading Plan Generator
- Big Ol’ Clipboard (Trade Quest Ledger Size Clipboard)
- Book Darts
- Books to Read with Your Volunteers
- Calendly
- camelcamelcamel
- Candlelight Service Candles / Concordia Supply
- Children’s Christmas Books
- Daly Goods / Preacher’s Notebook
- DPark Radio
- Drafts
- First Time Guest Tent
- FullContact
HAITIAN Sign Holder(see “Klvied Sign Holder” below)- Husky Mobile Workbench
- Jumbo Dry Erase Markers
- Kensington iPad Charging Station
- Klvied Sign Holder
- iPad Stands and Keyboards
- Lanyard / Name Tag Printer
- Libby
- Merach Exercise Bike
- Midland Radios
- Mr. Heater
- Offering Buckets
- Overcast (podcast app)
- P-Touch Cube Label Maker
- Pipe and Drape / Georgia Expo
- Podcasts (part one)
- Podcasts (part two)
- Podcasts (part three)
- Podcasts (part four)
- Portable Monitor
- Presentation Go Bag
- Psalms in Six Months
- Rain Gear
- Signicade
- Step2 Neighborhood Wagon
- The Strategic Church
- Table Covers
- Tally Counter
Teaching Notebook(see “Daly Goods / Preacher’s Notebook” above)Things task management app(see “Asana” above)- ToothFairy
- Traffic Cones
- TripIt
- TrueVine Pre-Packaged Communion / Concordia Supply
- TSA Pre✓
- uni-ball Vision Elite pens
- Video Teleprompter 3
- Weekend Tools
- You Need a Budget (YNAB)
Disclaimer: FTC watchdogs will probably want to know that the companies listed / linked on the blog posts did not ask for an endorsement, nor did they provide me with free swag in order to do so. I’m just a really satisfied customer who wants to let you know where you can get some great products. So there. Further, if you order a resource from a link on certain posts, I may receive a small affiliate commission from Amazon. If that bugs you, feel free to bypass my link and buy from a vendor of your choice. But still: buy it. I only promote items that have benefitted me and that I believe will benefit you.