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Top Ten Quotes: God Walk

Several years ago someone put a copy of The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan into my hands. It was one of the first books I’ve ever read on Sabbath, and still one of the...

How to Map Your Parking Lot, part 4: People and Placements

This is the final post in a four-part series that gets into the weeds of how to set your parking lot up for success. We’re looking at mapping from zones to cones and people to...

Tackling Small Church Myths, part 1

This is the next installment in our ongoing “Small Church” series, which looks at guest services through the lens of the smaller congregation: those with 150 or fewer people in attendance each week. See the...

5 Things I’ve Learned (Again) From Jumping Back in the Saddle

At the time of this writing, I’m a little over a month into a new (temporary) gig as a Guest Services Director (GSD) at our newest campus. We’re still trying to hire an actual GSD,...

Why, When, and How to Have a Weather Rotation Plan

If you’re reading the blog in real-time and feel like I have a current obsession with rain, it’s because I have a current obsession with rain. I’ve rediscovered that very few things split a Guest...

How to Map Your Parking Lot, part 3: Signage and Cones

This is the third of a four-part series that gets into the weeds of how to set your parking lot up for success. We’re looking at mapping from zones to cones and people to placement,...

Danny Recommends: Rain Gear

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

Q&A: How Does Your Guest Services Team Handle the Rain?

Q: What sort of “rainy day plan” do you implement when the weather isn’t cooperating? [from the 2023 blog survey] A: There’s nothing like a good downpour to sour the mood of your guest services...

Top Ten Quotes: The Ideal Team Player

I’ve long been a fan of Patrick Lencioni. I’ve read the lion’s share of his books, I regularly listen to both his At the Table and Working Genius podcasts, and I appreciate how he almost...

How to Map Your Parking Lot, part 2: Ingress and Egress

This is the second of a four-part series that gets into the weeds of how to set your parking lot up for success. We’re looking at mapping from zones to cones and people to placement,...