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Another One Launched

Earlier this month our youngest son…who is still two years old, the last time I checked…married the love of his life. If you’re keeping track, this whole “kid getting married” thing is still pretty new...

What If Our Commute is a Gift of Time?

I have a 25 minute drive to and from work. On this morning’s drive in, my brain drifted to the current work patterns of government workers in a war-torn country (because that’s what my brain...

Do You Have a Lobby Philosophy?

Ah, the church lobby. For some, it is a gathering spot to catch up with friends before or after the service. For others, it is a repository of helpful information, with brochures and posters and...

Danny Recommends: Midland Radios

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

Q&A: How Do We Accommodate Special Baptisms?

Q: What solution(s) do you suggest when someone with a special need is ready to be baptized? [name withheld to protect the privacy of the baptizee] A: Disclaimer #1: I’m answering this question from the...

Top Ten Quotes: Peak

I’ve long been fascinated by the 10,000 hours rule, popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers. In it, he posits that it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to become a master of a...

Virtual Elevators, Fake Planks, and Real Faith

A few weeks ago I strapped on a virtual-reality headset for the first time, in an effort to prove that you can teach an old dog new ways of wasting an afternoon. The very first...

We Don’t Talk About Burnout: An Allegory About Church Staff Culture

Janetta Oni is the Creative Director at the Summit Church. If you haven’t seen Encanto yet, then you’ve probably also avoided getting any variant of COVID-19, to which I say, “Where’s your bunker?”  I’m a...

To Call or Not to Call?

We’re ever-so-slowly building a case for the first-time guest follow up process. (You can see the first three parts of this ongoing series here, here, and here.) Today…is an actual phone call really necessary? And...

Get Focus(ed)

Like many of you, I am easily distracted by bright and shiny thi- SQUIRREL! And like many of you, the iDevice is one of the most common offenders. It’s a double-edged sword, because there are...