Top Ten Quotes: More is More
It’s no surprise that businesses have a “me-problem.” They tend to build systems and infrastructures that make life easier for those that work at the company rather than those who do business with the company....
It’s no surprise that businesses have a “me-problem.” They tend to build systems and infrastructures that make life easier for those that work at the company rather than those who do business with the company....
It’s the beginning of a brand new trip around the sun, and all of us are experiencing some form of renewal, restarting, or rebranding. No matter your personal take on resolutions, there’s something about a...
Another year has come and gone, kids. And I don’t mean to jump on the “look back on the last twelve months bandwagon,” but I’m absolutely jumping on the “look back on the last twelve...
We’re praying God’s very best for you in 2019. Merry Christmas from our insane family to yours! (If you’re an email or RSS subscriber and can’t see our sweet family photo, click here.)
No self-respecting blogger, Facebooker, or Twitterer can let the end of a calendar year elapse without waxing eloquently about their top ten lists. This year, I have two. The posts list is coming next week, but...
While the rest of the world limps along with one Super Bowl per year, church people get two. And one of them is coming up this weekend. I’m referring, of course, to the weekend before...
As ministry leaders, we tend to want quick fixes. We put a lot of stock in reading a book and then making sweeping changes as a result. We like to go to conferences and come...
What happens when your team changes horses mid-stream? What do you do when your original job description gets dismantled? How do you maneuver the challenges of an ever-changing organization? There are times that volunteer...
Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...
Q: We are in the middle of a shift where we are putting our primary focus on groups, and small groups serving together will be a vital part of that structure. We do okay getting...