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Bonus Webinar: The Next Big Thing

Our team has had a ton of fun with our fall 2020 webinar series. So much fun, in fact, that we’re adding a bonus fourth session! The Next Big Thing: caring for your people through...

Top Ten Quotes: Sticky Leaders

Larry Osborne is one of my faves. Wise, winsome, and practical, I’ve learned so much for him over the years. (His book Sticky Teams ranks among the best leadership books I’ve ever read.) That’s why...

Romans 12 and Social Media

Far too often, I find myself a slave to my phone. Shoulders hunched, thumbs scrolling, brow furrowing, I’m the picture of that classic detached human who has traded those in the room for those behind...

Journey Church (Bozeman, Montana)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...

At Least You Tried.

Last week I stopped by a local restaurant to place a take-out order. As soon as I walked in, I spotted the Alpha Server. You know the one I mean: there were any number of...

The Room Where It Happens

Right you were, Aaron Burr, sir. There is indeed a room where it happens. There’s a place where the game is played and the sausage gets made. There is a table where decisions are happening...

Danny Recommends: Calendly

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. These might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will help...

You Can’t Claim Culture

Leaders love to talk about culture. We tout the culture we’ve built in our churches. We brag on the cohesive culture in our teams. We lament the toxic corners of staff culture, praise the infectious...

Top Ten Quotes: The Volunteer Effect

It’s not often that I know the authors who are behind the books that are behind the Top Ten Quotes series. Yes, it would be great to say I’m besties with John Stott, Susan Cain,...

Q&A: How Can I Replace Myself Well?

Q: As I think about raising up new leaders, my question involves succession. How can I replace myself well? [from the 2020 Blog Survey] A: First, kudos to you for being willing to ask this...