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“Buy Three, Get a Fourth Free” For Our One-Day Workshops

It’s time to decide who your friends are, friends. Our final One-Day Workshops of 2019 are coming up soon: Guest Services (September 17) After the First Visit (October 15) Space is filling up for both,...

Spurgeon on Hospitality and Evangelism

I just finished up Charles Spurgeon’s The Soul Winner, part of my summer reading list. This quote got my attention: …soul winners, try after sermon to talk to strangers. The preacher may have missed the...

Danny Recommends: Video Teleprompter 3

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

Slow Your Role

Ministry weekends tend to be a blur: Prep that service Host that meeting Have that convo Guide that vol Put out that fire Set up that event Find that item Answer that text Remember that...

Top Ten Quotes: Above All

Let’s get one thing clear: even though I’m on staff at The Summit Church, I am not contractually obligated to read J.D. Greear‘s books. Or wash his car. Or tutor his kids in trigonometry. No,...

What Disney’s “Galaxy’s Edge” Teaches Us About Planning

I’m both a Disney nerd and a Star Wars geek, so you can imagine my salivation when the Mouse announced he was building brand new lands in both Anaheim and Orlando. I am currently saving...

Grace Community Church (North Liberty, Iowa)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...

Planning for Worst-Case Weather Scenarios

The following is a guest post by A.J. Farthing, Associate Campus Pastor over First Impressions at the Summit’s Chapel Hill Campus. Weather and church weekends have a lot in common: both are finicky, both are...

Why You Should Postpone Your Planning

Leaders plan stuff. It’s just what we do. We don’t stroll into an event or a calendar year unless we’re armed to the teeth with plans, contingency plans, emergency plans for our contingency plans, and...

What’s New In Your New Fall Season? (part two)

In part one of this post, we talked about the sometimes-unspoken rule that church congregations have. Every year, vacation season draws to a close, people leave the beach and head back to school, and life...