Latest posts

What If the Problem is You?

I recognize that I came off the top rope in that post title. I’m not mad at you, really. But like a good parent, I’m not mad, I’m just…frustrated. Frustrated as I go into retail...

Top Ten Quotes: Wisdom at Work

Chip Conley was a legend in the hotel industry. He had served as CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality for 26 years. At age 52, a young tech wizard invited him to leave it all...

How to Give Guests What They Want

Circle the ol’ Guest Services block a few times, and you’ll eventually have a fender-bender with the problem of pragmatism: aren’t we simply pandering to the base desires of the people we’re serving? Because let’s...

People Over Policies: part 2

In a recent post, I said that policies exist to help our teams do our jobs, but they must be to the benefit of our guests. In other words, a policy that we hide behind...

People Over Policies: part 1

Churches love policies almost as much as they love covered dish suppers: No food or drinks in the auditorium No one is seated during a reflective moment Ushers must wear coats and ties Any salmonella...

Primer Posts

First-Time Guest follow up

You just landed on an every-once-in-a-while series called Primer Posts, a curated collection of my favorite articles and books on one particular topic. These are the resources I usually point to when people ask about getting started...

4 Reasons Leaders Don’t Reproduce Leaders

Many of us carry the title of leader, but we don’t often hold the posture of a leader. In other words, we’re more comfortable doing rather than developing. But a real leader will intentionally develop...

Two Weekenders Remain for 2022!

If you’ve never been a part of our Guest Services Weekender, you still have two more chances this calendar year: Thursday, July 28: join leaders from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Delaware Sunday, October...

Help! I’m Starting a Parking Lot from Scratch!

When your church sets out to build a new facility (or expand on an old one) there are a veritable ton of decisions to be made. If you’re in the guest services world, you may...

Multi-Site: Same Destination, Different Pace

I’ve said before that a multi-site approach may necessarily mean multi-standards. In other words, the permanence of the facility and our standing in the facility (rent vs. own) might affect things like cleanliness, environment, and...